Friday, December 3, 2010

Super Happy Fun Day, the Movie

If you have any questions about Super Happy Fun Day, this video should answer them.

Super Happy Fun Day 2010

We hope you can make it to Super Happy Fun Day this year:

Date: Saturday, December 25, 2010
Time: 8:00 PM
Place: Chez Hofstetter

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Taking the Train to SHFD?

Here's the schedule from the LIRR (Penn Station) to Cedarhurst (Far Rockaway Line):
6:56 - arrives at 7:41
7:54 - arrives at 8:43
8:42 - arrives at 9:31
9:08 - arrives at 9:58
With all of those trains, you need to transfer at Jamaica. Grab a seat towards the front of the train. Once you get off the train, walk to the front and down the ramp. When you get to the end of the ramp, make a right (Washington Avenue). Walk a couple of blocks, then turn right on Oak Avenue. We're at 441 - just a 3-5 minute walk from the train. Cya tomorrow...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My Hero

The giant sandwich has been ordered: a 6-foot meat rainbow, surrounded by bunly goodness. Are you getting excited? Us too.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Chaka Khan!

This time of year our thoughts turn to late comedian Dennis Wolfberg, a fellow Queens College alumnus who had a routine about how people would try to wish him a Happy Chanukah but ended up pronouncing it wrong and saying things like "Happy Chaka Khan."

Just for fun, here's his routine about giving his twin sons a bris.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Deletion by Subtraction

Ding, dong, the wiki's dead.

About 15 minutes ago, one of the many nerds who scour Wikipedia for bogus entries under the mistaken belief that by doing so they're maintaining some imagined integrity of the site have seen fit to delete the Super Happy Fun Day entry. More specifically, one particular nerd named Fuhghettaboutit.

Of course, it doesn't much matter, as anyone who wanted to read the entry already has. Still, being deleted is neither super, nor happy, nor fun.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Picture this

Dug up some photos from Super Happy Fun Day 2005.

Avi and Jonathan shoot hoops while the Pez dispensers look on.
Someone's kicking ass at Boggle. Probably Adam.
Ami takes aim while Gadi tries to melt the table with his heat vision.
Jeremy ponders his next move. Another beer will help.
Then again, maybe another beer is a bad idea.